Rebel Ubuntu Inc. seeks to bring about a social and cultural renaissance that
inspires self-esteem and pride in the souls of the people
Photo credit: Rebel Ubuntu Inc.
Rebel Ubuntu Inc. seeks to bring about a social and cultural renaissance that inspires self-esteem and pride in the souls of the people. By doing so, the organization has an initiate known as 4Kingz & 4Queenz.
The non-profit organization, 4Kingz & 4Queenz, was established by two Florida A&M University students, Cameron Montgomery and Kierra Sheffield.
Both students partnered with Florida State University students, James R. Wheatley and Jordan Greer, to create one of the many initiatives under the Rebel Ubuntu Inc. Rebel Ubuntu Inc. has been growing as a company since 2016 and filed as an incorporation in March of 2018.
4Kingz & 4Queenz is an initiative designed to provide meals and other resources to help aide the family structure such that it offsets any undue burdens on a family. The family structure is the primary concern of the non-profits aim.
“The sons and single mothers in the diaspora started the 4Kingz & 4Queenz initiative to honor the sacrifice and dedication of single mothers worldwide,” Montgomery explained. “Since the inception of humanity, it has been the collective effort and struggle of our woman and mothers who have ushered our species forward.”
4Kingz & 4Queenz provides three primary services – a monthly food program, rent and financial assistance and community literacy and education. The organization also collects donations through Ubuntu Donations.
Leonzo Walker, who is an associate of Rebel Ubuntu Inc., explained why the rent and financial assistance program is a service that 4Kingz & 4Queenz provides.
“Many members of our community leverage their labor and sweat equity hourly to sustain their livelihood. There comes a time in everyone’s life where they become unable to report for work,” Walker said.
The rent and financial assistance program has a monthly budget in which they work with the members of the community to assist members with rent or utility payments upon request that covers 30 to 50 percent of needs.
4Kingz & 4Queenz also offers unlimited access to clothes and toy donations. The organization collects clothing and toy donations throughout the year to be redistributed to the community at a moment’s notice.
“If we can change one community at a time, just imagine what we can do with the whole world,” Montgomery said.
4Kingz & 4Queenz will host a food drive on Saturday April 14th from 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Springfield Apartments 2525 Texas Street, Tallahassee, FL 32302.
Rebel Ubuntu Inc. is founded on this principle: “It takes a village to raise a child; it takes a collective effort to move forward. We as Americans, as humans, must strive for unity through all adversity.” The organization is always looking for volunteers to help with community efforts.
For more information contact Cameron Montgomery at (703)-728-495 and Leonzo Walker at (850) 294-6937.