The Florida A&M College of Pharmacy is currently working towards finding a new dean. On Tuesday, April 10, the Dean and College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Search Committee met to discuss and review the 17 applications submitted for the position.
The meeting was run by Dr. Reginald J. Perry, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Professor of Electrical Engineering. This meeting was open to the public and those who came observed the meeting.
There were 15 attendees present at the meeting, including four who were present via teleconference. Without any hesitation, the evaluation began on who should move on to the next round to become FAMU’s new Dean of the College of Pharmacy. Prior to the meeting, the members of the committee were required to go on Blackboard and review the candidates and then take a survey on them to gain feedback before they sat down to examine who they wanted to interview.
Dr. Reginald proposed that instead of voting, they (the committee) could all come to a “consensus” on the candidates who should move forward and who shouldn’t. He began presenting the candidates, starting with candidate 18 who did not receive any positive feedback to move forward for an interview. Dr. Reginald would state a candidate name and number and the committee members would either speak up on why or why not a candidate should move forward.
During the evaluations, a debate aroused on if it is necessary for a candidate to be a full professor to be considered for the dean position.
“It is hard to accept if people are not full professors. That is a key factor as far as I’m concerned. If they are not full professors than they shouldn’t be allowed this job” Kinfe Ken Redda, Ph.D., professor emeritus in Medicinal Chemistry & Basic Pharmaceutical Sciences said.
Although the committee members are searching for possible candidates who are full professors, it is not a requirement.
Other candidates felt otherwise in regards as to what is important when analyzing these candidates.
“These candidates will be judged against other candidates not solely on their experience or status,” C. Perry Brown, MSPH, D.Ph., professor epidemiology & biostatistics said.
Another vital component in determining the progression of the candidates were their publications and Curriculum Vitae’s. A curriculum vitae (CV) provides a summary of one’s experience and skills. Typically, CVs are longer than resumes – at least two or three pages. CV’s contain information on a person’s academic background, skills, achievements, research, awards, and publications. Without a candidate’s publications or curriculum vitae, the members of the committee cannot properly see if the person is qualified for the job or not.
“Publications must be given to be recognized or considered for dean,” said Renee Reams, Ph.D., BA, Professor Medicinal Chemistry.
The committee members believe that if the candidate wants the position they wouldn’t hesitate in releasing their information.
For those who were chosen to move onto the next round for interviews, they will begin Friday, April 13 , from 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. After this, round two will be held through May 8-11. The search committee is looking for someone with experience, status, and confidence in their work.