The Florida A&M University Student Senate held a meeting on Monday to discuss upcoming events and updated campus information. During the meeting there were also confirmations on two vacant senate positions.
Cameron Spruill, a third-year transfer student, attended the meeting in attempt to earn the senate’s vote in order for him to serve as Deputy of Student Lobbying. Spruill spoke about his reasons for becoming a candidate for the position, stating that he makes a good fit because of his high school experience.
“I wanted to be in SGA mainly because I have experience, but only at the high school level,” said Spruill. “Also, my whole family went to FAMU, so I just want to continue that legacy and make them proud and be involved.”
The senate was unable to deny or confirm the candidate for the position of Deputy of Student Lobbying due to the number of votes. A motion was made to table the candidate and for him to return after spring break for a second try at the position.
Next, the senate voted on a second candidate for the position of Deputy of Student Welfare. Kaelin Randle, a first-year pre-pharmacy student, stated that she really loves FAMU and wants the position to serve FAMU in any way she can.
“I really love FAMU, and I really want to serve it any way I could,” Randel explained. “And when I saw that there was a vacancy I was like this is my time. I would really like this position and I think I could serve and do well.”
The senate confirmed Randel to take on the position of Deputy of Student Welfare with a total of 18 approved votes. Randel then thanked the entire chamber of students for the opportunity.
“I just want to thank you guys for giving me this opportunity and I hope to work with all of you guys,” stated Randel.
Up next in the meeting was the discussion of the FAMU First Year Experience Program bill. The program assists all incoming freshmen students in their transition from high school life to life in college as a rattler.
The program lacks funding for textbooks for the freshmen SLS class and seeks funding from SGA. The amount brought to the senate was a total of $13,120.
However, the senate admitted to only having $10,306 left for the remainder of the semester. The representative of the First Year Experience Program suggested that the program would cut the bill down to $6,560 to impact only up to 1,000 students of the incoming freshmen class.
The Senate however, was still leaning towards not funding the program, but a representative from Graduate Student Association, Alex Washington, shared that they would be willing to pay half of the $6,560 cut if the senate pays the other half. The total for both organizations would be $3,280.
Following the meeting, Washington shared her thoughts on and what she heard during the meeting.
“Decisions were made at the senate meeting that I do not agree with, but at the end of the day I will respect the actions of the senate,” said Washington, program chair of the Graduate Student Association. “Leaving these meetings, my hope is always that the senators are voting in a matter that reflects the desires of their respective classes and never stifles the progression of FAMU.”
After debating the bill’s purpose and if it will fulfill what it was intended for, the senate concluded that the bill failed, following a motion to deny it.
The senate closed the meeting with a recap of the business that was discussed. SGA will return for another meeting after spring break.