It’s campaign season – voting takes place today – on FAMU’s campus, and annually this time period takes an overwhelming amount of the student body by storm. The Spring 2018 election, however, has taken precedence over past elections and made it to one of the world’s most popular social networking and online news services with a few thousand messages, best known as “tweets.”
Twitter, a social networking site where an average of 500 million tweets are published daily from around the world, FAMU’s traditional election pageant proved its relevance and became the third most trending topic during the past two days. The topic trailed behind social celebrity, Blac Chyna and national holiday, Presidents Day.
For those like myself, who may be unfamiliar with what exactly the election pageant is or what takes place during this time, the hashtag #FAMUElectionsPeriod displayed approximately 4,235 tweets from those who wanted to weigh in on the candidates’ performances or for information about what was hot, and what was not.
“Tonight, I did something I thought I would never or could ever do! But…I did it,” tweeted one female candidate. A host of other tweets included audience members who expressed their sentiments on the pageant’s talent portion, which is seemingly the highlight of the show each year.
“At the end of the day, I give credit to everyone who had the courage to get up there and do anything at all,” said one spectator. “Clearly we know who our next Miss FAMU is,” said another. “I don’t care what the talents are, they all had the courage to run. They all get a A+ from me,” said another.
The pageant whichis traditionally held on Sunday evenings in Lee Hall auditorium, features candidates who are vying for a campus leadership position, such as Student Government Association President and Vice President, Mr. and Miss FAMU, as well as several other royal court positions.
Candidates’ friends, supporters, faculty, sponsors and family members convene to be in attendance, as the night’s performances are solely one factor that is attributed to a candidate’s overall success.
Although I have never been a spectator at a candidate’s pageant during FAMU campaign season, from reading the 140 character messages about it, I gather that the university’s student body presents a tough but supportive crowd.
FAMU’s election period truly encompasses the good, the bad and the “ugly.” From free T-shirts, and candy bags, to long speeches while being approached by strangers, to the interesting and always entertaining talents of the student body, I believe it will remain true that the tradition of the #FAMUElectionsPeriod will forever be loved and cherished.