During last night’s senate meeting, several students presented the senate with their concerns regarding bills being passed and student leadership. The Faculty Senate is the highest legislative body within the University, and advises the President on academic matters and other concerns affecting more than one school or college.
The faculty senate considers, legislates, and advises on all matters of general university interest. Event chairman and director of student lobbying, Arriona Tindell, originally took her place at the podium to express her support, but she quickly shifted the conversation to a problem that needed to be addressed.
Tindell, a pre-med biology major with a minor in political science, said “I feel that many student leaders that are in office currently have a self-serving purpose. I am here with no pay, strictly to make a change in the university that I will one day call my alma mater.”
Tindell explains how she feels as senators are not writing bills for the students, but for their benefit. “I could be wrong,” said Tindell, “but I truly only know of one senator who has written a bill to help students.”
She stated bills such as the “allocation bill” that had been published for SGA benefit only. The allocation bill is a bill that allocates funds to organizations for traveling, food, etc. This bill has to pass through the senate in order for an organization to receive money from the university.
According to Tindell, allocations have only been approved for SGA and a few other organizations. She also mentioned “one resolution bill,” which was stated to be the only bill passed to benefit students.
“I truly feel it is time for a shift in leadership,” said Tindell, “which is why I urge the students to apply and run for these positions.”
Tindell talked about how student leaders needs to be conducive to change and progress.
Senator Rochard Moricette, responded positively expressing that the senators are working on getting bills published for the students differently.
During the meeting, Senator Taylor Young spoke about a collaborative week hosted by FAMU’S Student government and Florida State’s Student government.
“We will have Florida State SGA Legislative Branch coming to our senate meeting on Monday. Then on Wednesday our legislative branch will visit their senate meeting,” said Young.
Young planned to have a community service event between the two school student governments during the week of Mar. 19. FAMU SGA also plans to help out with FSU’s black student union carnival during the same week.
Later in the meeting Bria Jefferson, a third year Business Administration student, presented Tim Tebow’s, Night to Shine Prom.
“Night to shine is an unforgettable prom night experience for people with special needs from ages 14 and older in our community,” said Jefferson.
Night to Shine took place Friday, Feb. 9 at the Centre of Tallahassee.