Photo credit: Rattler Nation
On Tuesday afternoon, the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical search committee met to discuss the search process and different tactics on their approach on screening candidates for the position of dean of College of Pharmacy.
Reginald Perry, who serves as the chair committee, opened up the meeting by clarifying that their committee only handles the screening process for the candidates, while the Florida A&M University’s President and interim Provost Rodner Wright do the hiring for the position.
Perry discussed a meeting he had with the students prior to the meeting and he described the meeting with students as “very enlightening.”
The committee will be using a three-step process on what is used for the screening of candidates. The first round of the process will be the scoring round, in which a rubric will be used to screen candidates. The second round will consist of either a telephone or Skype interview. The third round will be where the candidates have their campus visits to meet with the committee and the President.
The committee is looking to recommend three to five candidates to the President and the Provost. The committee then discussed different ways to advertise their search.
Karam Soliman, associate dean for research and innovation basic sciences, made a numerous amount of suggestions regarding how they should go about finding individuals.
“We should utilize the American Association of Colleges and Pharmacy (AACP) roster and send out a massive email to all colleges,” said Soliman.
Soliman also suggested that there should be a nomination process when it comes to candidates.
Kinfe Ke Redda, a professor in the College of Pharmacy, expressed his ideas and how he felt regarding the screening of candidates, “One of the problems this college faces is the lack of qualified candidates.” He also brought up some points that were made in their previous town hall meeting.
The committee gave out a survey to students in where they were able to come up with seven qualities that students wanted in a dean.
Two of the highest voted qualities listed below:
40% of students said they wanted someone with excellent communication and interpersonal skills and 18% of students wanted somebody who had strong leadership skills.
These qualities will be used in the rubric when the committee begins to screen candidates.
Reginald Perry and other committee chairs will be meeting with President Larry Robinson to discuss the committee’s progress in their searches.
The search committee will be meeting again on Tuesday, Feb 6 to discuss what will be the next step of their process.