Keith Miles poses for the Thelma Thurston Gorham
Distinguished Alumnus Award. (FAMU SJGC)
The athletic department at Florida A&M recently added a new deputy director – Keith Miles. But the athletics’ gain represents a loss for FAMU’s flagship radio station, WANM 90.5 FM, the “Flava” station. Miles had served as the general manager of the radio station for the past 17 years, until he joined the athletic department earlier this month. While Miles did not return repeated requests for comment, students who worked under him were open to speaking about him and what he meant to the station.
Cierra Richardson, a FAMU journalism student who began working with Miles fall semester of 2017 stated, “When I first met Mr. Miles I instantly loved his dedication and passion for helping students and always pushing them to work hard and reach their full potential.” When asked about Miles’ departure and how well the station would run without him, Richardson responded, “I believe Mr. Miles has provided the radio station with nothing but success. He has helped so many people find new discoveries and talents and has also allowed students to broadcast their talents. With great advice and help from Mr. Miles, the staff will continue to keep the station strong.”
Miles was very inspiring and passionate about what he did for the radio station, according to students who worked with him. Without a doubt, he will be missed at his former position. “It was a huge loss to lose him, especially at the start of the semester. He was the glue that helped keep the station together,” said MarKeith Cromartie, a FAMU senior and Program Director of the station. Miles meant more than what most people would expect to his students, personally and professionally. He had a pure heart and it showed day in and day out. “Miles was truly a father figure to a lot of members at the station. You can’t teach and find that experience with just anyone. He has worked in almost every branch of journalism and that’s rare.”
The host of “Free Yourself Fridays,” Kristian Thomas, says her first impression of Miles was that, “He was just trying to make sure the station was successful.” Miles has been complemented and given credit for the positivity he has shown his students. Thomas believes that Miles has built the radio station for success. “Friday when I came in, everything was ready and prepared for us. So it’s not like because he’s gone, everything he implemented left with him.”
Now that Miles has officially departed and WANM-FM 90.5 The “Flava” Station is functioning without him, it still may take some time to adapt to the sudden changes. Although his student will miss him, they still wish him nothing but the best. “I don’t want to say he is replaceable because he’s such a staple, but I think that in all of his endeavors he’s going to put a big stamp in themk,” Thomas said.