With a total of $111.1 million, the movie box-office hit “Get Out” has more than quadrupled its budget of $4.5 million.
From the increased recognition for his work, Jordan Peele’s satirical twist on what is to be considered modern-day racism has sparked a discussion of interracial relationships, and has the movie added to the separation of love due to race.
The question stands: Has this film affected the African-American male’s perspective of interracial dating? Not to say if a black male were to date outside his race, his girlfriend’s parents would try to hypnotize him and steal his personal freedom by trapping him in the “sunken place.” Instead, has the movie simply dramatized the underlying message of racial paranoia that comes with dating outside of one’s race?
The hype of the movie caught the interest of Jermaine Kershner, 21, a senior public relations major as he reflected on his upbringing.
Kershner was adopted by a white family, but said he will not date outside of his race.
“… Not because I don’t like Caucasian people,” Kershner said. “I love my family but it just never seems genuine when I interact with Caucasians outside of my family…not to say this is every Caucasian but….when I’ve come into contact with one.”
The movie played on the defensive girlfriend from an opposite race and a father that “would’ve voted for Obama a third time” to bring to the forefront the sugar coated racial divide that those in both races are not aware of, like the fact that using your vote for Obama or having black friends can somehow neutralize the idea or one’s belief of systematic racism.
The film continued a couple other racial conversations in society, with a different face, like police brutality and racial bias.
For junior economics major, Kwadwo Nkrumah, 22, the need to date inside of his racial guidelines was not heightened after viewing the film.
“I think the movie did a great job on playing on the fear but it was a little extreme,” Nkrumah said. “I’m going to still date other races.”
Twenty-year-old Vincent Williams, a public relations major, believes the movie has its purpose to raise interesting questions in society. But no one should change their dating habits because of it, he said.
“Although the movie did bring to light the racial factors at play when dating outside your race, I still will continue to date outside my race,” Williams said. “I grew up in a predominantly black neighborhood. I go to an HBCU. So I feel dating outside my race is necessary to be well-rounded.”
According to the New York Daily News in 2012, there were 4.8 million interracial marriages in the U.S. This number was at its highest.