Leon County Aims to Improve Job Growth
Two key issues are on the minds of Leon County residents: economy and job growth. According to the Florida Chamber Foundation, by 2030 Leon County will need between 21,000 to 46,000 jobs for Tallahassee’s growing population.
One county facilities management worker said he believes there will be a turn around in business increase.
“The City Commissions we have on board right now are doing a pretty good job letting businesses come in. I would like to see more big industries come in Leon County," the worker said.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce wants to explore the idea of retirees serving as mentors for the next generation of workers.
Chief ecomonist Jerry Parish said tourist marketing has helped with business expansion.
“Not only does it create jobs in hospitality sector it also creates jobs in other sectors of the economy," Parish said.
Developments such as Domi Station are creating resources to launch entrepreneurs. Leon County officials say they are counting on young adults to aid in the job force.
Leon County Superintendent Race Controversy
Leon County superintendent candidates are locked in a bitter rivalry this election following a series of controversies.
Scott Maddox dropped out of the race to run for his current commissioner seat and Jackie Pons has faced swift backlash for releasing an ad directed at Rocky Hanna. Pons has since apologized.
Another issue in this race is the recent discovery of lead in 16 Leon County schools' water systems.
Pons is focused on the fight for educational equality.
“I’ve been leading this fight for a Southside high school for a decade," Pons said. "We’re going to get it built. I’m confident we will get it built once the election is over."
Hanna is against the school, and has a platform based on eliminating wasteful spending and building teacher morale.
“A teacher’s love of teaching directly affects the child’s love of learning,” Hanna said.
Regardless of who takes the seat, parents simply want their concerns addressed.
Leon County Sheriff Race
For the second consecutive year, Leon County has the highest crime rate in the state of Florida.
According to reports by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the crime rate has increased by 5.7 percent.
One of the highest rates of crime reported by FDLE was burglary. Other crimes such as murder and sex crimes increased in 2015, according to the FDLE.
Some Tallahassee residents are aware of the high crime rates that have increased this year. Some members of the community feel the candidates running for Leon County Sheriff should work more closely with the Tallahassee Police Department.
Lower crime rates and transparent officers are some of the platform points of some of the candidates.