Florida A&M University Essential Theatre presents “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” beginning Oct. 12–16 at the Charles Winter Wood Theatre. It will start on Friday at 8 p.m. Saturday's matinee starts at 2 p.m. then an 8 p.m. showing follows and on Sunday the play starts at 3 p.m.
“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” was originally written by playwright Tennessee Williams in the 1950s. Now in 2016, Professor Chris Berry will be the director of the FAMU edition of this classical play.
“We want to expose our students, as they matriculate through FAMU, to a diverse pool of writers, writing and social situations,” said Berry .
By hearing the title, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” one may think that the play is not relevant in the 21st Century.
According to Sarah Lubin, playing one of the lead characters, Maggie says, “People should expect a beautiful thing getting really ugly. Picture a beautiful house and maids but inside it is just a year-long marriage breaking apart and a husband questioning his sexuality.”
Also, Chris Beckford Jr., who plays lead character Brick, said, “In 2016 this is a big issue where you have people getting married to cover up their insecurities and questioning their beliefs.”
Essential Theatre students are attending countless long rehearsals to perfect their craft in the upcoming play that opens tonight (Wednesday, Oct. 12) at Charleston Winter Wood Theatre. Although, theatre differentiates in many ways from other university's majors Sarah Lubin believes “the common ground is hardwork."
"I am in the script because I have to study my character. Same as a nursing student staying up all night to study for an exam,” she said.
Furthermore, the unity of the cast and the director displays a sense of professionalism that is clear to see during the rehearsals. Therefore, the audience will sure be in for a treat from the Essential Theatre students performing.
For more information, see FAMU Essential Theater at: http://www.famu.edu/index.cfm?EssentialTheatre&SeasonSchedule