Mr. FAMU, Imir Hall perform karaoke with the student body
Courtsey:Aanquinette Taylor
Mr. and Miss Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University partnered with the Campus Activity Board to host “Top FAMU Lounge” Thursday at FAMU Rattlers Den.
This event was a mock event of Top Flite, a local nightclub for patrons 21 and older. “The Flite,” as many know the club, also allows customers to perform karaoke with friends.
The idea came to the organization’s attention when Miss FAMU, Anquinette Taylor, thought about this idea on the way to a leadership conference in the summer. She spoke with CAB Chair Keenan Williams to put the program together.
“The idea was presented to Mrs. Barnes the director over them and she was able to make sure that we could combine the idea as Royal Court and Campus Activity Board,” Taylor said.
This event is a platform for students to connect and fellowship according to CAB members. To create the same atmosphere, the committee came up with the idea to serve mock non-alcoholic drinks with food coloring, wings and fries and karaoke.
Shaya Chamorro, chair of press and publicity of CAB believed this was a great way to fellowship with the 21 and under crowd and show them that they are not missing out.
“Younger students always say they feel left out because they cannot attend Top Flight, but this is an event to give them a taste of what they are not missing. It’s all about fellowship and the fun,” Chamorro said.
The campus disc jockey, DJ Loosekid, believes Top FAMU pushed students to come out of there comfort zone and gave students a chance to not be cool.
“This event was beneficial because it was more of a social rather than a party, so students had to become more open, almost like an ice breaker,” DJ Loosekid said.