The Alpha Chapter of Kappa Psi Psi Healthcare Sorority hosted The Power Circle in Florida A&M University’s Village Game Room Tuesday evening.
The event’s aim was to bring awareness to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), while encouraging those in attendance to feel comfortable talking about the subject.
Jessica Mosley, fourth-year FAMU pre-physical therapy student from Ft. Lauderdale and member of the Healthcare Sorority, explained that events like this are key in her organization’s overall goal.
“As future healthcare providers, it’s our duty to promote health education. Kappa Psi Psi Healthcare Sorority Incorporated was created in the image to protect and serve our Rattler community, so making ways for people to open up and come out to our events helps us know that our job is being done,” Mosley said.
Mosley actively participated in the open discussion and provided her views on all of the topics that were introduced. These topics were sexual-based and required maturity from all who were present.
Everyone in the power circle was asked to write a question on a paper to be read aloud anonymously by the host. After the host’s input, everyone was given a chance to share their opinion.
The discussion covered subjects from the importance of safe sex to differentiating “talking” from “dating” amongst couples.
Hasani Myers, first-year FAMU business administration student from Tallahassee, was initially surprised at the topics discussed, but eventually opened up and became relatively engaged.
“The environment was friendly and informative. I really enjoyed myself and look forward to having another discussion with them,” Myers said.
As the event wrapped up, food and beverages were provided with courtesy of Kappa Psi Psi.
Anthron Brocks, resident assistant and second year FAMU pre-pharmacy student from Atlanta, Ga., was content with his decision to team up with this organization to host this event.
“Working with the ladies was fun and the activities were different from any that I’ve ever seen in an event. I definitely will do this event again next year and increase attendance,” Brocks said.
He and the ladies of Kappa Psi Psi plan to work again in the future to bring more discussion-based events to the Villages to continue educating all those eager to learn.