Courtesy of Stephen Gude Jr./ The Famuan
The City of Tallahassee and Blueprint 2000 shared their current projects and proposed ideas with Tallahassee residents Tuesday at the Smith-Williams Service Center Annex Hall.
Autumn Calder, senior planner for Blueprint 2000, introduced the new proposed designs surrounding Coal Chute pond.
“We have the idea to put a walking trail around Coal Chute pond. In addition, have some spots for people to take a rest and sit on the swing and look over the pond,” Calder said.
Calder also introduced the “Skateable Public Art” skate park, a proposed recreation amenity. The park will make up the northwest corner of Pinellas Street near the roundabout.
“What we are looking for is a way to create a skateable amenity. Something that provides a safe place for people who enjoy that type of recreation in a way that does not conflict with the other park users,” Calder added.
The concept of the park will include ramps, dips and bowls. Blueprint 2000 proposed to have sculptures intertwined in the parks features as well.
The demand for the park comes from the safety issues surrounding the ramp that skaters are utilizing down the hill on Wahnish Way. Several features of Cascade Trails have been damaged as well.
Chanelle Glover, a fourth-year FAMU physical therapy student from Jacksonville, Fla. is against the skate park.
“I do not agree with a proposed skate park, since there is a skate park near Lake Bradford already. However, I do like the idea of sculptures being intertwined within the park,” Glover said.
Along with having a skate park, the Tallahassee-Leon Planning Department urban designer, Dan Donavon, introduced the proposed corridor along FAMU Way.
“There’s been a desire to have sculptures all along FAMU Way. We are taking a triangle area and growing it up into a history kiosk. In this case, a three-sided kiosk,” Donavon said.
The City of Tallahassee partnered with FAMU professors led by David H. Jackson Jr., Ph.D., to research information from residents surrounding Canal Street and Lake Bradford. The kiosk will have photographs, historical text and personal text all along FAMU Way.
Donavan said the prototype will be a 14-foot high and 5-foot wide sculpture. The kiosk will be enclosed with aluminum composite panel designed to conjoin with the sleek look of FAMU Way.
Blue Print 2000 is currently constructing on projects surrounding Pinellas Street. Pinellas which sits north of Railroad Square Avenue will have a play zone, market area, misting station and bike rest.
For updates and more information visit, talgov.com.