Avery McKnight, Florida A&M University's vice president for legal affairs and general counsel, was fired this morning, according to a report on WFSU.
McKnight reported to both the Board of Trustees and FAMU President Elmira Mangum.
Major administrative changes have been occurring at FAMU since the contentious Oct. 22 BOT teleconference, when there were two failed attempts to fire Mangum.
McKnight is a FAMU alumnus and was a long time attorney for FAMU.
Until this summer, McKnight had reported only to the president. The trustees changed that, insisting that he report to the board as well as the president.
During the Oct. 22 BOT meeting, McKnight was asked by a trustee if Mangum had violated her contract as a result of work done on the president’s house. McKnight said that she had.
Check back with the famuan for more information to come.