Florida A&M University’s Department of Psychology hosted its fifth annual African/Black Psychology Conference on Friday and Saturday.
Each year the event honors an African/Black psychologist who has contributed an abundance of research to the field of study.
The 2015 conference recognized the studies of Dr. Wade W. Nobles and his contributions to black psychology. Many guest speakers also highlighted his credibility as an author by incorporating books by Nobles, such as “Seeking the Sakhu: Foundational Writings for an African Psychology” into their lecture presentations.
“There is no place in the country where people honor, recognize and examine the work and studies of black psychology,” Dr. Huberta Jackson-Lowman said.
A lecture session presented by Lawford Goddard, Ph.D., titled Institutional Building and African Authenticity: The Saga of the Institute for The Advanced Study of Black Family Life and Culture, Inc., mentioned many methods that have been instilled by Nobles. The lecture discussed topics related to character refinement, cognitive re-structuring and African American cultural characteristics.
The next presenter, Timothy Owens Moore, Ph.D., titled his lecture; The Establishment of Sakhuology: A Noble Cause with No Conflict of Consciousness. Moore opened his presentation discussing unsophisticated falsification, integrated modification and conceptual incarceration among African Americans. He preceded by talking about the importance of heritage and appreciating the benefits associated with melanin.
Moore continued his interactive debate by asking the audience “Where are the degrees on slavery?” and mentioning that “There are no courses or curriculums on slavery and African heritage.”
The methods he used for administering the lecture got many positive responses from students and other audience members of the conference.
For the past five to six years the conference has been seen as an opportunity for students to gain rewarding information. It also gives the department of psychology at FAMU a chance to recognize African psychologists who have laid foundations and made outstanding contributions to the black psychology community.
The event offers free admission to all FAMU students and they are encouraged to get involved in at least one aspect of discussion.
“I had a great experience; It was really interesting and I did not need to be a psychology major to appreciate the presentations,” Jacqueline Jean-Gilles said.
In addition, FAMU’s department of psychology hopes to bring an even larger audience to next year’s event. The conference is considered to be an on-campus experience that all students can take advantage of.