Markeshia Luree Gordon Productions Inc. presents the stage play Me Against The World, an intense, suspenseful, comedic drama about what happens when love is replaced with betrayal and insecurity.
In this drama produced by Markeshia Gordon and Quincy D. Griffin, Tasha is convinced that her husband is cheating with a younger, perkier woman in her 20s. She weighs heavily on spiritual revelations and signs, which can sometimes blind her from the truth. She receives wisdom from well-qualified counsel, but it’s not enough to change the mind of Tasha’s 99 percent sure certainty.
Producer and director Markeshia Gordon said, “The play highlights the idea that some people are so deep that they are not earthy good because everything is so spiritual that they do not live here on earth. It also addresses the stigma of counseling, that if you are not crazy you do not need it.”
Gordon is a 2010 Florida A&M University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance. Her first production This Time For Real (2011) was self-written, produced and directed. Since then she has written and produced four other plays.
Chelsea Maloney, a FAMU first-year theatre performance student from Boca Raton, Fla., is excited to see the work of a graduate who once roamed the same halls as her.
“I am excited to be able to support a former theatre performance student of my university. Gordon’s work is a representation of the theatre department here at Famu and I can’t wait to see the final product. On top of that I think it is awesome that it will premier at her amateur. This is one of the many success stories Famu has produced. I am honored to follow in their footsteps.”
Kayla D. Burnett, a Florida State University third-year Spanish student from Atlanta, Ga. is a lover of the arts through storytelling and is looking forward to seeing the stage play Me Against the World.
“The story line caught my interest because it address the idea of cheating and being so spiritual you do not ‘live here on earth’ which I took as possibly living a ‘dream,’” she said. “That piques my interest because I believe in relationships sometimes people live by this ideal thought that everything will be perfect. In reality things will go wrong and sometimes you do need counseling to help the relationship. I’m interested in seeing how this story will be put together and if it will force those who can relate to reflect on the issue.”
Does love conquer all? After extreme accusations, will Tasha’s husband have enough love left to forgive and take her back?
You can find out November 14 at Lee Hall Auditorium, 1601 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Tallahassee, Fla.
For ticket information visit
Doors open at 6 p.m. to showcase local talent at the highly anticipated pre concert beginning promptly at 6:30 p.m. The play begins at 7 p.m.
If you are in need of handicap accessibility, please contact (850) 296-7425, prior to purchasing your ticket.
General ticket discounts are available for groups of eight or more. For more information or to purchase group tickets, contact Ramone Anderson at (850) 684-5901.