Florida A&M University held a gospel concert in Lee Hall Saturday night featuring FAMU’s gospel choir and gospel singer Vashawn Mitchell.
This concert was a part of the events created to celebrate FAMU’s homecoming.
FAMU’s gospel choir was formed 58 years ago, since then, the choir has toured all over the nation.
Dr. Francis D. Stallworth, advisor to the gospel choir and who the choir calls “Mother”, opened up with a speech.
“Becoming a professor at FAMU opened up doors for me beyond anything I could ever hope for or dream of,” Stallworth said.
The gospel choir sang their version of gospel songs such as: “Prelude to Worship” by Greg Roberts and “Celebrate the King” by Ricky Dillard.
Kaila Stevens, first-year FAMU business administration student from Tampa, Fla., expressed how much she enjoyed the show.
“It was amazing. I really enjoyed the first song they sang, it definitely set the tone for the rest of the show,” Stevens said.
The crowd was brought to their feet as alumni, who were former members of the choir, were invited to sing with current members.
Sophie Jackson, a second-year english student from Miami, explained why seeing the former and current members singing together touched him.
“When the alumni came on stage I almost lost it. It was nice to see all those generations come together as one for a good cause,” Jackson said.
Grammy-nominated gospel singer, Vashawn Mitchell lead the choir to sing some of his more popular songs such as “For My Good” and “Just Another Day.”
“We’re about to praise, jump up and down, and don’t look at us funny like you have never been there before when your worship got real,” Mitchell said.
The show ended with clearly audible cheers from the crowd and the performers receiving a standing ovation.