Leon County residents voiced their concerns and discussed the upcoming legislative session to state lawmakers Monday at the county commission chambers.
The legislative delegation meeting provided elected officials and the community an opportunity to inform state representatives what should be the main focus for lawmakers this upcoming session.
Rep., Alan Williams, who was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2008. Williams term will soon be ending, but he expressed that reprensentaives dedication is still to serve the community.
“Our main purpose is to be of service to the community and we are going to make sure our state employees are taken care of,” Williams said.
Some of the issues that were discussed in the delegation meeting included: establishing a home paramedic program, education, state parks, quality of drinking water,the improvement of air service at Tallahassee Regional Airport and fracking.
Gayle Dickers, a resident who lives in Madison County and has property in Leon County stated her concerns about the issue on fracking.
“The bills don’t protect the people they protect the industries,” Dickers said. “Other big industries tried to allow other fracking fluids in the state of Florida.”
Amy Dake, a local resident, also expressed fracking and how the dangers of drilling will damage the quality of Florida’s water system.
“The fracking will go through your aquifer and pollute your water,” said Dake. “The price of bottled water will be very expensive and then you will have to use bottled water for cooking, bathing and any other household duties.”
Gerald Growe, a local resident concerned for the preservation of state parks. Growe stated his beliefs that no one is taking into consideration the nature of state parks, but rather focus on money it will bring.
“I am in disagreement to alter the movement of state parks to expand them solely for the purpose of money,” said Growe. “I urge you to oppose the efforts of converting the parks.
Local residents applaud the work that legislators done in last year’s budget.
Debbie Maloney, who works closely with the Alzheimer's project in Tallahassee, thanked the legislators for their support.
"I appreciate the appropriations last year as we try to expand our services to the Big Bend area,” said Maloney.
The legislative session will begin on January 12, 2016.