Floridians could soon have a choice when it comes to their electricity.
In August, the solar power supporter group known as Floridians for Solar Choice collected more than 100,000 signatures to have their case heard in court.
Floridians for Solar Choice wants businesses to sell up to two megawatts of power a day to customers in the same community.
Approximately two megawatts has been suggested as the daily needs for residential housing between 225 and 714 homes.
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether or not the solar power constitutional amendment should proceed forward.
The proposed amendment would allow companies to install solar panels on homes. It would also allow businesses to sell energy while being independent, instead of being treated as a utility company with the state regulators as well as local.
Currently Florida is 1 of only 4 states that by law expressly prohibits anyone other than your utility that is set up by state and local regulators to sell you your electricity.
Solar Choice Spokesperson Tory Perfettoi believes this proposal now gives residents another option.
"If, and when, this Amendment passes then there will be a brand new option for consumers and businesses to buy Solar Power through the free market," Perfettoi said.
Solar Choice have to get more than 680,000 signatures before Floridians can see it appear on the ballot.
Perfettoi also said younger consumers will be able to enjoy the benefits of solar power without having to spend much.
Florida Solicitor General Allen Winsor doesn't think the amendment is easy to understand.
"The voters have the right to understand what this amendment does, and the ballot summary does not make those specific details clear," Winsor said.
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy Action Fund is a proud supporter of Floridians for Solar Choice.
Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Executive Director Stephen Smith says he doesn't want the government to steal the votes.
"When we win, we do not want the legislature or other entities to hijack the the will of the voters, but we are confident that we will get through it,” Smith said.