With summer days warming up and summer school being in session, come get a breeze of cool crisp air every Tuesday night.
Black on Black Rhyme poetry troupe (BOBR) is a group based in Tallahassee, Fla., who hosts poetry night from 8-11 p.m. at Nefetari’s Fine Cuisine.
The focal point for BOBR is to provide a platform to poets and artist who are underrepresented in mainstream media and culture.
The event showcases poets, aspiring musicians, comedians and anyone else who is brave enough to approach the open-mic.
Sexuality, politics, social and racial issues are some of the topics that are addressed from various poets.
Zanubea Flowers, a fourth-year english student at Florida A&M University attends poetry night occasionally and enjoys her time.
“Well, I like going there and the performers are excellent,” said Flowers. “The food there is expensive, but it’s worth it. This is where I got some of my inspiration for my own poetry book.”
As a part of their tradition, instead of claps, audience members rattle keys as a token of appreciation to poems that they enjoy.
Donovan Blot, a veteran poet with BOBR, explains how he joined BOBR.
“You don’t get into BOBR, BOBR gets into you,” said Blot. “That’s the best way to sum it up.”
Blot admits that he does not always get a chance to perform on Tuesday nights but when he does it is therapeutic.
“I’m not able to make it every Tuesday night, but when I do make it, I do perform,” said Blot.
Throughout the course of the show, the audience is entertained through song, poetic literature and by participating in staccato word games during intermission.
The show is hosted by writer and poet, Keith Rodgers, who not only found his start here in Tallahassee, Fla., but is also the founder of BOBR.
Ephraim Riggins, whose stage name is Intricate, has been involved with BOBR for three years and says that BOBR has influenced more than just his poetry.
“BOBR made me realize I can make my art work for me as a brand,” said Riggins. “One thing that the organization is big on is opportunity, hustle, connectedness and staying humble.”
Staying true to its mission, Keith Rogers and BOBR poetry troupe have grown to be one of the longest running poetry venues in the south and have expanded to Tampa, Fla., Jacksonville, Fla., and Atlanta, GA.
Some troupe members have started their own BOBR poetry troupes in their respective cities and others have won national titles with the Southern Fried Poetry Slam.
Nefetaria’s is located at 812 S. Macomb St., just down the hill from Florida A&M University’s campus.