Photo courtesy of WCTV.
The Florida Legislature has approved a settlement years later for the medical expenses of a Tallahassee resident who was run over by a garbage truck.
In 2009, Mark Sawicki was on the intersection of Call and Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Fla. when he was struck by a garbage truck making a right hand turn.
Sawicki was on his bike headed to work when the accident occurred.
Nearly six years later, Sawicki vividly remembers his accident as he explains that he is still physically trying to get back to normal.
“I hit the ground and I saw the wheels go over me and I just remember calling for help,” said Sawicki.
The city of Tallahassee will pay him $700,000 for the damages he received on October 2, 2009.
The city admitted responsibility to the accident and agreed to pay out $900,000 to the Florida State engineer and his wife.
It paid the $200,000 allowed by law and the rest of the settlement required legislative action.
Halsey Beshears, a sponsor on the bill expressed his thoughts on the settlement.
“I think it’s a great ending to a sad story but we’re glad that Mr. Sawicki can close this chapter and move on with his life,” Beshears said.
Sawicki suffered severe injuries as a result of the accident and he has incurred more than $250,000 in medical expenses.
He suffered a crushed pelvis, broken right leg and internal injuries.
Before the accident, he was a marathon runner, competitive cyclist and triathlete.
Sawicki says that he can barely run now but he makes sure he works at it to get better everyday.