To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the University Housing Court held a week of events showcasing love and relationships.
On Wednesday, the court organized a people auction held in Gibbs Hall. Male and female students, ranging from freshmen to seniors, placed themselves up for bidding.
“The auction started a few years ago when I was an RA [Housing Resident Assistant]," said Rose Jean, assistant graduate resident director and coordinator of the University Housing Court. “Although, money is not collected due to housing rules.”
A large crowd full of bidders gathered to watch the people auction, which featured several students. The hopeful bidders waited patiently for their desired auctionee to go up for bidding. But, as Jean said, the bidders did not pay money to be in the auction.
The University Housing Court collected canned goods from willing donors for the local homeless shelter. Each can equated to five raffle tickets that served as money for the bidding.
Not only did the lucky bidders walk away with a prize but so did the shelter. Multiple cans were collected and hundreds of raffle tickets were distributed thorughout the night. Bids reached 600 tickets by the end of the auction.
However, the shelter was not the only one benefitting from the night’s events. Contestant and current Ms. University Housing, Michelle Johnson, enjoyed the social atmosphere.
“I was asked to be in the auction. It helped me build my confidence and get my face out,” Johnson said.
Others in attendance echoed the same feelings, such as Krystian Snype, a first year student from Jacksonville, Fla.
“I wanted to see who would get paired with who,” Snype said. “It’s good for them to get to know each other.” Jean also admired the event’s ability to bring the student body together and “get students involved and excited.”
The winning bidders will escort their dates to The Grandeur, a semi-formal event Thursday night in Sampson Hall.