Photo: Rayne Rudder
Monday construction began on Bradford and Centerville Road. This is the first of many sidewalk projects that will be occurring throughout the city.
South Side, Midtown, and Northeast areas are expected to be next on the list to get sidewalks. Partial lane closures and traffic maintained by flagmen is expected to cause temporary inconveniences and traffic delays.
Phase two of Bradford Road sidewalk project consists of installing sidewalks along both sides of the road by replacing existing ditches. Phase one of the project was completed last year which shut down the first half of Bradford Road. from Monroe St. to Meridian.
“You would think they would shut down this half too!” said Bill Cobbs, an on site construction worker for Poole Engineering and Surveying inc.
Bradford and Centerville Road both face heavy traffic with a hospital being nearby. Phase two of Centerville rd sidewalk project includes installing a sidewalk on the east side of the road, which will wind through the canopy trees carefully preserving the root system.
These two projects are expected to take four months with hopes of no inclement weather.
Construction will take place Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The main goal for these recent sidewalk installations are “ to increase pedestrian safety and multiple modes of transportation” said Liz Kelley, City of Tallahassee Communications department.
Anna Dower, a nearby resident appreciated the increase in safety.
“We are excited about the idea of new sidewalks,” Dower said. “We run all over Tallahassee and it is definitely safer to stay out of traffic than run in the road. It definitely takes away many concerns.”
Flipper St., located not far from Florida A&M’s campus, will be next to receive sidewalks.
A neighborhood meeting will be held Tuesday Feb. 10 from 5:30p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at Bond Elementary school, to discuss plans for the sidewalk construction.
“Area residents and property owner are invited to come out and learn what the plan is and what the design currently looks like,” Kelley said.