Sunday, October 26, Florida A&M University hosted Get Out the Vote Rally for Gwen Graham with the support of forty second President Bill Clinton and other special guest.
Gwen Graham and others expressed the importance of voting, and why Graham is the right choice.
“I have been campaigning for the seat for five-hundred and seventy two days and only nine days left, and this has been the most incredible experience because of all of you out here”, Graham said.
Graham is aware that North Florida is very important because, it is the largest congressional district in Florida.
“We can not do it without everybody, its early voting we need everybody here, everybody in this crowd all your friends all your family, heck make friends with strangers, that a good thing build your friendship base and bring them to the polls because this is such an important election,” Graham said.
She is eager to takeover and make the proper changes for the better. Graham has been planning and very excited about the opportunity that awaits her.
“I can’t wait to get to Washington and make a difference, and the difference will be I don’t care what global party someone’s in, I care about being in a position to work together with democrats, republicans, with independence to start making the right decisions for the Florida second congression and district,” Graham said.
Students from FAMU, Florida State University, and Tallahassee Community College played an important role in the rally and will also play an important role in this midterm election.
Evan Bailey, a fourth year business administration student at FAMU said, “the most interest things about Gwen Graham is she’s willing to work with people from both sides of the eye, which is what we need in congress. She is someone with great ideas, and not necessarily with what party they are officiated with.”
FAMU students are always making impacts on certain people and things that many are unaware of.
Florida House Representative, Alan B. Williams, said it best “FAMU students has always been at the forefront of those movements within the State of Florida. When it comes to presidential politics every successful candidate has always made a stop to Florida A&M University in the past thirty plus years.”
The official Election Day for the Midterm Election is Nov. 4, 2014.