The esteemed College of Education will hold an alumni reception on Oct. 31 in the Gore Education Complex immediately following the homecoming convocation.
Spearheaded by class of ’73 alumni and dean of the College of Education Patricia Green-Powell, the event is being held to give alumni the chance to see the university’s progress. Dean Green-Powell explained how she wanted to plan something special for the alumni and invite them back to the college to fellowship.
“It’s a time for us to fellowship, to get to know who each other is and where they landed jobs. But more importantly I want them to know and get a good feel that we are still among the top that produce African-American teachers,” Dean Powell said.
Even though the event targets College of Education alumni, all graduates are welcomed to attend. Students are also encouraged to attend to gain knowledge from College of Education alumni.
“It’s a partnership that we want to enter with them as well to continue the good work that we are doing,” Dean Green-Powell said.
When asked about her experiences within the College of Education, senior Aundreya Hartsfield described it with much enthusiasm.
“As an education student at FAMU, I find that the department keeps me alert and on my toes at all times,” Hartsfield said.
Although she will not be able to attend the reception, she encourages current students to participate in everything the department has to offer.
Dean Green-Powell, along with her second in command for the event, Ms. Adel Manatee, expressed their excitement for the success of this well-planned event. They truly believe in the values and beliefs of the College of Education.
The College of Education centers on leadership, diversity, equity and social justice in order to improve the lives of individuals in a changing society. This reception is the gateway for better things to come.
There will be refreshments and presentations as well as door prizes for all alumni who RSVP. For those who plan to attend, RSVP at or call (850) 561-2989.