The Center for Undergraduate Student Success, formerly the Office of Retention, is preparing Florida A&M University student for an enhanced learning experience.
The academic success of FAMU students is the top priority of university administrators, faculty and staff. Most emphasis is placed on student recruitment, retention, progression and graduation.
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs Donald E. Palm III explains the importance of the name change.
“This name change was due to encompassing the full breath that the service provides. It’s not going to just focus on retention but number of other things,” Palm said.
The vision at the Center for Undergraduate Success Student Success is to maximize students’ potential for academic and career success in the global marketplace.
Jalen Thompson, a freshman accounting student from Miami, Fla., have never heard of retention.
“I have no idea what retention means or what it even does,” Thompson said.
Mariah West, a senior criminal justice student, knows all about retention and what it means to the university.
“As an student I feel it is important to know about your knows retention rate,” West said.
The Center for Undergraduate Student Success set out ongoing efforts to improve quality of academic degree programs and initiatives to improve student campus life.
The overall goals for the Center are to improve academic performance, to improve student progression, to improve retention and graduation rates, to improve high-quality and proactive academic support services and to promote thinking and life-long learning.
With a first year retention rate of 82 percent and six-year graduation rate of 41 percent, the university must continue to enhance the programs and services that promote sustainable student success.
The Center for Undergraduate Student Success was once located in the University Commons, but has recently relocated to Gore Educational Complex.
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