This month, President Barack Obama announced a nationwide effort to curb sexual assaults on college campuses.
According to the FAMU Police Department, notification of an alleged sexual assault occurred September 21, but officals are still looking for more information on the incident.
"When I heard the news, it gave me chills," said Brittany Oliver, a third year criminal justice student from Miami."I know crime will occur, but couldn't imagine it taking place at my university."
According to Sarah Lawrence College, at least 1 in 4 college women will be the victim of a sexual assault during her academic career.
Oliver who is an avid walker said she will no longer walk places by herself, especially at night.
"I've made the decision to always be with a friend and to become more aware of my surrounds,” Oliver said.
Often precipitated by the consumption of alcohol, attempted or completed sexual assaults directly affect about 14 percent of all female students on campuses of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, but the attacks often go unreported due to shame, guilt or fear.
A report titled "The Historically Black College and University Campus Sexual Assault Study" provides a detailed statistical look at HBCUs sexual assaults and offers insights on how students can more effectively curtail the problem.
Phyllis Welch-Johnson, a sociology professor at Florida A&M University, said she believes the study underscores the need for HBCU administrators to be proactive about confronting sexual assaults on campus.
Med Baldwin of the Refuge House near Florida State believes the number of campus sexual assaults is much higher than it is.
"I think sexual assaults aren't reported frequently because people don't know what falls into the category. Most assaults are not reported because victims feel like they led the perpetrator to believe the act was okay," Baldwin said.
Baldwin encourages all students to become more aware of assaults and how to report them if one occurs.
In the alert sent out, police described the suspect as a 6-foot-4-inch black male with a muscular build, dark skin and wearing glasses. He was last seen wearing black pants and a white shirt.
If anyone has information concerning the assault, contact FAMU Police Department at 850-599-3256.