Crop tops, mini-skirts and low-rise jeans are all elements of a ruthless dress code that take away from the true excellence of students. It deters us from becoming what we come to college to be.
Without a proper dress code established, some students will never know what is acceptable to wear in the workplace. Dress code should be dictated in and out of class, because as students of higher learning, dress code should no longer look like a Saturday night at The Moon.
According to Hampton University’s website, “dress code is based on the theory that learning to use socially acceptable manners and selecting attire appropriate to specific occasions and activities are critical factors in the total educational process.”
Education not only means going to class and making good grades, but to dress accordingly and look like a true scholar.
The more professional students look, the more students take themselves seriously in the classroom setting and the more the professors take students seriously.
It may seem discriminatory, but it’s the truth in the eyes of society and the world we live in today.
According to the Black Collegian, in 2008, Florida A&M was noted as one of a few HBCUs that emphasized the importance of a business casual dress code around campus. Exemplifying excellence through suits and pure style is what FAMU looks like from the outside looking in.
Students in the School of Business and Industry are well known on campus for their dress code. Every week, business students are seen in packs wearing black, navy blue and gray suits, showing that they are ready to take on the world and be successful in their careers.
If the university chose not to enforce dress code and to dictate the appropriate classroom attire, then students wouldn’t get that practice before stepping out into the “real work world.”
As a student, I truly believe that having the practice and professors who enforce dress code helps the student in the long run. When you begin to shop for business casual and suitable attire, it becomes a habit to buy things that are more conservative and work related.
Some professors choose to take points off when students don’t wear the appropriate attire, as stated in their syllabuses. I think it’s great because most students care about their grade, which means they will care more about what they wear to class.
A first impression can be the last impression, especially when professors or the university schedules employers and guests to visit. Our attire is important and leaves a lasting impression for the university as a whole.