Treading on the roadways of Tallahassee is headed toward a drastic change with the new additions to FAMU Way.
According to Carrie Poole, a representative of the Department of Communications for the city of Tallahassee, the design of the FAMU Way road expansion plan has been finalized and bids for construction are currently being solicited.
According to, a citizen's vision was recognized when the one-block section of Oakland Avenue, located between South Monroe and South Adams streets, was changed to FAMU Way.
The website also said the project was approved by the city commission to enhance transportation and to serve as a major community investment in the southern side of the city. It is the result of citizens' feedback requesting safety provisions for both pedestrians and motorists.
Harry Farrar, FAMU Way project manager, said the project includes one travel lane going in each direction with bike lanes and on-street parking.
In addition, there will be eight-foot wide parking lanes along portions of the roadways and twelve-foot-wide multi-use pathways.
Cascade Park will give kids a place to play and provide adults with a peaceful place to relax, he added.
There will be an eco-friendly addition to this project that includes covering the large ditch currently located in the area and inserting a large underground box culvert that will carry water underground from Wahnish Way to Coal Chute Park.
Students attending Florida A&M are excited about the extended roadways.
"I think that this new roadway extension will definitely benefit me by saving me time on my commute to campus," said Morgan Cyrus, a second semester nursing student from Nashville, Tenn. "Financially, it will benefit me by lowering the price that I pay for gas."
Erin Ravenel, a first semester nursing student from Tampa, said the extended roadway project will increase recreational time and decrease traffic.
"This roadway will be a quicker alternative to take during football games and other major events," Ravenel said. "As a nursing student, this road will help the overflow of traffic on the roads behind the School of Nursing."
The FAMU Way extension will give citizens who live in the surrounding area access to an easier route to Lake Bradford, said Brad Baskin, the Kingston Square property manager.
"The new roadway could possibly help bring in revenue as well as gain potential homeowners in surrounding areas," Baskin said. "Now, there will be a straight shot to Lake Bradford."
The city of Tallahassee wants to use this new roadway to encourage and promote various forms of transportation, such as bicycling and mass transit.
Phase one of the project is scheduled to begin in 2014 and should be completed by 2016.