Tours for “Experts Through the Minds of Art” exhibit in the Foster Tanner Fine Arts building will be given Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Brittney Lightsey, a senior fine arts student from Detroit and new museum educator, is an addition to the department.
Lightsey is also an accessory designer in Detroit. She aims to highlight an interpretation of each art display within the exhibition for aesthetic entertainment.
“The artwork and the exhibition will engage gallery visitors in conversations about the artwork on display and encourage visitors to think about the many ways to look at, and think about art,” said Aja Roache, an assistant professor and gallery director.
The exhibition will showcase the works of Kenneth Reshard, a FAMU alumnus and Multimedia Artist, in a show called “Things That Run Through My Mind.”
This show is a revised retrospective presentation of his works. This feature is completely free and open to the students.
“Students should come,” Lightsey said. “One,’cause it’s free, and two, because we’re just trying to get the word out about the artists and have them [the students] appreciate them [the artists] and understand more about what we do.”