Art department displays New exhibit from FAMU alumnus
Esi Yamoah
The Florida A&M Art Department hosted its annual art exhibit, Wednesday, showcasing the work of alumni and former faculty members.
This year, Kenneth Reshard, a 1998 FAMU alumnus, was chosen to display his sculptures, mix media, collages and paintings. The exhibit is called “Things that Race Through my Mind.”
This was Reshard first time working as a one-man band for an art show in the last six years. Reshard said what makes this exhibit different from his others was his lack of inspirational boundaries.
“I just go for it,” Reshard said.
Reshard explained that he always stays inspired. In the weeks to come, Reshard will be focusing more on pottery and creating plans to display his work in other exhibits.
A few of his pieces that were displayed that night were projects crafted while he was still at FAMU.
“Always strive for the best while you’re in class,“ Reshard said.
He added that art students should stay true to themselves and keep striving to reach their ultimate goals.
Ana Sanz, a third-year fine arts student from Miami, believes it is important to maintain the legacy of the art department and showcase it to the community.
Sanz said she hopes this exhibit will boost performing arts students’ confidence.
“This just goes to show you that with a lot of dedication and an ambition, your work can go far and your passion can propel you forward,” Sanz said.
Khelsii Hill, a third-year social work student from Tallahassee, attended the event because she was curious to see Reshard’s work.
“It’s very different it’s very modern and it’s classy and I like it,” Hill said.
Aja Roache, the director of the Foster Tanner Art Gallery and coordinator of the exhibit, said these exhibits are a great way to stay connected with alumni, encouraging them and former faculty to display their work.
Roache said it’s important to show current students the benefits of earning a degree in art.
“It’s a way to sort of inspire current students as to what is possible with their degree,” Roache said.
Carla Marie Reid, a Florida State professor and owner of a coffee shop, found it difficult to choose her favorite part of the exhibit.
She said she had many pieces to choose from, but was captivated most by the pottery piece in front of her.
“I feel it,” Reid said. “I don’t know it’s just beautiful,”
Beverley Gavin, assistant product analyst for an agency of Healthcare and coworker of Reshard, said it was an amazing experience to see his work displayed.
“To see it in real form it’s just — he is amazing,” Gavin said. “This is absolutely amazing, and I’m glad that FAMU opened their doors for him to do this.”