Tallahassee city commissioners have approved a new process for recycling called single stream.
This new process applies to all solid waste.
The new process will help increase the volume of recyclable materials. It will also improve customer convenience and operational efficiency.
Cans and bottles now can be recycled together with newspaper and cardboard. No sorting is required in this new process. All previous recycling guidelines will still apply.
The city hopes to increase recycle participation by eliminating the sorting process.
Jeremy Rutland, a senior religion student from Orlando, said it is difficult to recycle and that he is only able to recycle about three times a week.
“Recycling to me is like a full-time job with extra benefits,” Rutland said. “Waking up every morning to make sure I’ve separated the cans from the bottles and the paper from the plastic is not easy. Truthfully, I don’t do it consistently because between school and work I’m always on the go.”
Once the items are collected, they will be shipped to a Marpan Recycle Center http://www.marpan.com/ and sorted. Milk cartons, juice boxes and gable top juice will be collected to be recycled as well.
According to solid waste experts, more efficient routes and operations will reduce fuel consumption as well as carbon emissions.
Rita Taylor, administrative services manager for Solid Waste Services, said the city is efficient when it comes to its carbon footprint.
“The city is very instrumental in walking the walk when it comes to the carbon footprint,” Taylor said. “We want to ensure that we do our part in protecting the environment. Single-stream recycling will make it easier for customers to recycle. Everything goes into one container. No more sorting.”
Darrell White, a senior music student from Orlando, said the more people who recycle, the better the world will be.
“By recycling, we can make new things from the trash we throw out,” White said. “By throwing trash away we’re constantly mass producing and overusing our natural resources. This is stripping our planet, and we need that to survive as a species.”
All recycled materials will continue to be sold to local processors and companies that make new products from the recycled materials.
For more information about smart cans, visit talgov.com or call 850-891-4968.