The right to be happy


I’m 21 and have no tattoos. I date only men and have just the two ear piercings I received before I was one. Why? Because of the values my mother instilled in me.

I am a college-educated, African-American female, yet I have not escaped the doctrines my parents ingrained in me since my youth.

Because of the culture, African-Americans shy away from taboo subjects such as homosexuality. The topic is shunned and swept under the rug. This is probably why more black Americans are suffering from HIV/AIDS than any other race and why an alarming number of black men are living on the “down low.”

In recent news, the issue of gay marriage is going through the Supreme Court. I have tons of gay friends whom I love dearly, but should they be able to get married?

A month ago, I probably would have said no. The religious teachings of my youth have followed me into adulthood, even though I will not even attend the church across the street from my apartment complex.

But as I rack my brain for reasons as to why it should still be illegal, none come to mind. I could say that it’s immoral, but then I would have to own up to the one million wrong things I do daily. What makes their sin greater than mine? How will same-sex marriage affect me personally?

After discussing the legality of same-sex marriage with a gay friend, I realized that 1,138 rights are being withheld from civil unions because they are directly related to marriage.

Before the Emancipation Proclamation, people like me were regarded as three-fifths  of a human being. Before the Civil Rights Act of 1964, people like me were denied basic rights afforded to Caucasians.

Although I still would not fully understand homosexuality, I would be wrong to say that other human beings do not deserve basic human rights.

One day I will probably have a husband. And if a man wants to have one also, who am I to judge?