College is a place where students go to receive a higher education, but sometimes I wonder if students take their education as seriously as they should. Whether you are a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior, we are in college for one reason: to educate ourselves.
Our school offers many resources to help students improve their education. There is a Writing Resource Center, tutoring, counseling and much more. However, many students don’t utilize them. Why not? Well, there are some students who just do not know about them.
I will be honest with you. I didn’t hear about the Writing Resource Center until my junior year, even though I used to walk past it every day. Sounds crazy, right? But I was not the only one. I know a few seniors, who have been struggling with math, who still do not know about the math tutorial lab in Jackson-Davis Hall across from the Set.
I’ve spoken to some professors and administrators and many of them say that students do not take advantage of the education and resources that our campus provides. It can be required for the course, and students still won’t use it. Some don’t even talk to their professors when they are having problems with a subject. Professors are resources, too.
When tutoring is suggested, students are just lazy.
“Tutoring? Ain’t nobody got time for that,” one person told me.
I guess they would rather struggle than get the help they need.
Some students say they only do enough to get by. As long as they pass the class, they do not have anything to worry about. I don’t understand how earning a C can be more satisfying than earning an A. The same goes for internships. If it is not required in a person’s curriculum, they don’t bother trying to look for one. And if it is required, the few who do wait until the last minute to get one. But they find out they can’t get one because they never went to their advisers to get help in improving their résumés.
If the resources are there, it is best to utilize them now while they are free. You do not want to wait until after you graduate and have to pay for them.