Many student and faculty members despise Florida A&M Parking Services. As the end of the semester approaches, citations are on the rise and students are not happy.
According to, a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, unless reserved parking. A permit “allows you to park on campus in a legal spot.”
“A lot of times, students will have a decal but, for some reason, choose to park illegally in reserved parking,” said a parking attendant who asked to remain anonymous.
According to students who have received a parking ticket, they were charged $30.
Di’reon Williams, a third-year political science student from Miami, has not received her parking permit for the semester and has three tickets because of it.
“I’m so upset with our parking services,” Williams said. “Why should I have to pay for these tickets when the decal is not here yet?”
Williams is using her temporary decal until she receives her permanent one.
According to Parking Services, all vehicles operated on campus by employees and enrolled students must be registered and must display the appropriate university permit.
“A number of students wait until mid-semester to handle their parking permit,” said the anonymous parking attendant.
While parking attendants are not popular with students who park on campus, Parking Services says it is its responsibility to enforce parking and traffic regulations.
Students such as Williams say parking attendants do not care and can be rude whenever they are giving tickets.
Michael Anthony, a fourth-year business student from Jacksonville, said she has received two tickets within the last two months.
“I’ve met them at my car already twice this semester,” Anthony said. “Instead of giving a warning, the man kept writing the ticket and placed [it] on my windshield as if I wasn’t there.”
Parking Services declined to comment.
“If you’re parked illegally or have an improper decal, you will receive a ticket – those are the rules,” said the anonymous source.
While a majority of students despise the parking attendants, there are some students who are appreciative of their services.
Trinity Bodiford, a third-year nursing student from Atlanta, said parking attendants have been helpful to her on a number of occasions.
“Last year, a few items was stolen from out of my car,” Bodiford said. “The attendants helped me while I called campus police and waited with me until they arrived.”
According to the university’s website, proactive measures are taken to ensure parking experience on campus is both safe and worry-free.
“I can’t stand those people,” said Emila Bakker, a senior political science student from Charlotte, N.C. “They are nasty and vile and deserve nothing but misery. Instead of actually working, I see them constantly sneaking off in those cars and enjoying the A/C.”
In 2005, Parking Services and the FAMU Police Department joined to form the Department of Public Safety.
Parking Services advises students to refer to the university parking and traffic regulations handbook.
Questions concerning parking should be handled through the police department and any appeals should be handled through the parking services department.