Due to long lines, early voting in Tallahassee has been extended to 5:30 today. The Florida A&M Office of Financial Aid “Get Out and Vote” campaign is on campus pounding pavement to ensure that everyone’s vote is counted.
Organize for America has been working vigorously for the past week shuttling students from campus to the Leon County courthouse. Within the past week they have shuttled 1500 students from McGuinn Hall. After receiving the confirmation last night from the legislator, the team didn’t wait to spread the word and organize another round of shuttles.
“I went to vote at the court house on Saturday and the lines were crazy long,” said Brittany Jefferson, a junior criminal justice student from Ft. Lauderdale. “When I heard about the extension this morning I was extremely happy. Seeing this on campus makes it even easier.”
Jennifer Jenkins, an onsite coordinator for the Borderline State Initiative “Get Out and Vote” campaign has played a crucial role on Florida A&M’s campus for 12 days. She is one of the hundreds of volunteers that have been shipped into Florida to help with the elections.
“We got the news last night and within an hour it went viral,” said Jenkins. “We are really fortunate to have such a great team here on FAMU’s campus. They have been working diligently nonstop and last night was no exception.”
The OFA “Get Out and Vote” campaign has been in front of the University Commons since 9 a.m. and already has transported over 150 students to the voting polls. There are five shuttles that are running continuously until 4:30 today. Students can sign up at the location in front of the Commons, make a reservation via email to famuvotes@gmail.com or text (321)544-1577 to schedule a shuttle pick up time.
“I am so happy that they extended the early voting,” said Alexander Banner, a freshman Engineering student from Orlando. “I didn’t have a chance to early vote so when I saw them after in front of the Commons I quickly signed up.”
Students that have not completed an absentee ballet but are registered to vote in the state of Florida can vote today at the court house.
“Students don’t have to worry if they have not filled out an absentee ballot,” Jenkins said. “As long as they bring their ID and student ID they will be able to vote. Things will be a little different tomorrow so it’s best that they do it today.”
For those who will not be able make it to the polls for early voting, shuttles will be available tomorrow from 7 am to 7 pm in front of McGuinn Hall. Students that live off of campus will also be able to use the shuttle service. Email famuvotes@gmail.com or text (321)544-1577 to schedule an appointment and they will pick you up from where your location.