Kappa Psi Psi Healthcare Sorority was suspended Tuesday after reports of an alleged off-campus hazing incident on Oct. 4.
The sorority is made up of “students who are in pharmacy, nursing and allied health majors,” said Interim President Larry Robinson.
A complaint claimed pledges were told to stand in place for an extended period of time while performing impossible tasks.
“It was enough to place them under inactive status,” Robinson said.
Despite the administration’s efforts to eliminate hazing since the death of Robert Champion,this instance of hazing is not the first. However, this case is different.
“What is unique about it is this is the first [hazing incident] that was recorded via the website,” Robinson said.
The anti-hazing website, stophazingatfamu.com, was launched in September, but it hasn’t generated any hazing reports until now.
This is the second Greek-letter organization to be suspended in the past week.
On Thursday, members of business-related fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi were suspended for holding an off-campus meeting. Members were allegedly verbally abused. New university membership intake guidelines state that no organization is allowed to meet without an adviser present.
Members were contacted for comment but gave no response.
The investigation has been transferred to the Tallahassee Police Department because the incident took place off campus.
Check back with thefamuanonline.com for more updates.