Taking his name


It’s obvious that women make strides toward equality and feminine rights. But in 2012, is it necessary for women to assert their independance…in a marriage?

In class, my professor asked, “Ladies, how many of you will take your husband’s last name when you get married?”

My hand was the only one raised. My female classmates mumbled “I won’t.” Some even snarled at the idea of hyphenating it.

I questioned why they were so adamant.Traditionally, women take on their husband’s last name in marriage.

They fired back with, “My last name is important,” “It’s what makes me unique,” and “He can take my last name.”

Even one of the guys answered, “I would want my wife to keep her own last name because I’d like her to have her own identity.”

Maybe I’m old-fashioned, but I see no problem with changing my surname to my partner’s. If I can accept sharing the rest of my life with a man, why not share a name?

Some view  this as submissive. However, there are breadwinning married women who gladly took their husband’s last name. I’m convinced it’s a symbol of harmony, not ownership. Luckily, some students agreed.

“I would take his last name because we are one now,” said Roshunda Guilford, 18, a first-year pre-physical therapy student from Tallahassee. “Having his last name symbolizes unity.”

I think it’s more assertion than rebellion. I predict a change in many of their attitudes.

I’m not sure when a tradition became one of subservience, but I will continue the tradition. It’s not losing your self; it’s gaining a spouse.