Lyceum starts with Dancers of Burundi


The Royal Drummers and Dancers of Burundi put on two shows Sept.16 in Lee Hall.

The show consisted of the drummers taking turns playing from a central drum called the Inkiranya, dancing, resting and playing the other drums, rotating throughout the performance without interruption.

 “I went to the show because I admire different cultures and the sounds of their land,” said Bee Desinor, a senior molecular cell biology student from Fort Lauderdale.

At the start of their performance the drummers entered balancing the heavy drums on their heads while singing and playing. The drummers sported bright orange and green garments. The extra members of the band carried ornamental spears and shields while leading the procession through dance.

The Ngoma drums that the Drummers of Burundi play are hollowed out from the trunk of a particular tree called Corda Africana meaning “the tree that makes the drums speak.”

“The show had me hooked the moment the drummers came out with the drums on their heads” said, Charles Phillips, a senior Pre Med student from Burlington, North Carolina. “Overall it was great. It wasn’t too long and it wasn’t too short,” Phillips said.

The show was about an hour and a half long with two acts.

“The performance was spectacular, full of colors and culture. I particularly enjoy the spirit of the drummers.” Desinor said. “You could feel their pride of Burundi through the art of percussion.”

The performance of the Royal Drummers of Burundi has remained powerful for centuries and the traditions have been passed down from father to son.

“Although it was a bit redundant I loved every last minute of the performance,” said Alexander Cole, a graduating senior philosophy and religionstudent from Brooklyn, N.Y. “It was very energetic and entertaining. I found myself in a daze and completely taken by the rhythm of the drums. I enjoyed it, and I wish there were more students there to witness it.”

The performance ended with the drummers exiting the stage in a similar fashion from how they came in carrying the drums on their heads and playing.