The debate between iPhone and Android users divides many happy homes. Apple’s conference in Cupertino, Calif., on Sept. 12 will highlight the release of the new versions of the iPad, iPod Touch and the coveted iPhone 5. This announcement has true techies clutching their phones in anticipation.
To counter this anticipation, sales for Android are currently on the rise.
“The Samsung Galaxy S3 slowly crept up on the iPhone 4S and overtook it in most carriers with the exception of AT&T and T-Mobile,” said Anshel Sag of the online technical magazine
The recent lawsuit between Apple and Samsung adds fuel to the fire surrounding the debate.
As an iPhone owner, I also consider myself a member of the elite society. The iPhone has done millions plenty of justice. Its fragile, yet durable design gives the phone a Midas-like touch. To some, it’s worth more than gold. The fact that there is no insurance plan that covers a lost or stolen iPhone makes it almost priceless.
Apple is all about efficiency and reliability, and these few traits have aided them in their takeover of the world. Even though Apple only has one phone on the market, the company makes significant improvements with each new model. Experts at expect the iPhone 5 to be faster, have a better camera and more durability. Only time will tell if this “changes everything.”