Florida A&M has promised an “enhanced” home-game experience for fans of Rattler football.
In a press statement this week, FAMU promised to provide “brand new energy” for the four games that FAMU plays in the university’s backyard and for the entire athletics program. This season, the university celebrates its 125th anniversary.
Each game will include Joe BUllard, the voice of FAMU football, as game MC and an Old School vs. New School DJ showcase. The university has assured exciting half-time performances in the absence of the famed Marching “100” band, but officials aren’t saying just who will perform and what will happen just yet.
The university also announced a season-long theme — “Our Team, Our Time, Respect the Game” — as a mantra for future play.
“We have a promising team this football season ready and excited to showcase their talent on the gridiron,” FAMU Athletics Director Derek Horne was quoted as saying. “Our guys have been putting in extra time with drills over the summer, and adding the excitement of the enhanced halftime experience is sure to make this a very exciting football season as FAMU celebrates 125 years.”
FAMU’s first game for the season is Sept. 1 in Nashville against Tennessee State University.
The home games are against Hampton University on Sept. 15, Savannah State University on Oct. 13, South Carolina State University on Oct. 20 and the homecoming game celebrating FAMU’s 125th anniversary on Nov. 10 against North Carolina Central University.
For more information regarding the 2012 football season, visit FAMUAthletics.com or call (850) 599-3868.