Faculty in area schools are advocating corporal punish for misbehaving students. Some parents agree.
“My first job as the dean of students in Jefferson county, we actually allowed corporal punishing we had to have parent permission, but I actually had to deliver paddling,” said Dr. Christopher Small Assistant principal at Nims middle school.
In the 2009-2012 school year, 39 percent of public schools took at lease one disciplinary action on students. Some parents believe they have enough on their plate throughout the day and the school should deal with serious situations.
“Just involving something like guns, knives, you know anything involving weapons you know the cops should be called because that’s just in the safety of the kids,” said parent Latraysha Knight parent of a student at Apalachee Elementary school.
With the controversy on student discipline, faculty wants parents to become more involved.
Parents consider that kids are being kids while faculty say that disciplinary action will take place when a student misbehaves.
Some parents believe that if they work together with faculty, they can decrease the misconduct in public schools.