TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Two defendants have pleaded no contest to lesser charges of misdemeanor hazing in the beating of a fellow Florida A&M University band member.
After their pleas in Tallahassee, Aaron Golson and Sean Hobson were sentenced Thursday to 30 days in a work camp followed by 12 months of probation.
They had originally been charged with felony hazing. Assistant State Attorney Stefanie Walters said medical records did not provide the required proof of serious bodily injury. The state also dropped battery charges.
Action in the case of a third defendant was delayed.
Police say fellow band members beat Bria Shante Hunter on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
Golson also is one of 11 former band members charged with felony hazing in the November death of drum major Robert Champion in Orlando.