What seemed like a typical house party turned violent Sunday morning when shots were fired.
Tallahassee Police Department responded to a call in reference to a shooting at 2024 Broad Street.
Initial investigation revealed the shooting stemmed from a verbal argument that worsened at a house party. The shooting was caused by an unknown suspect who grabbed a gun from a vehicle when an argument was underway,
Two victims sustained non-life threatening injuries and were taken to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital for treatment.
Some students feel that house parties are too dangerous.
“This is an good example of why I don’t like going to house parties because there is no security, and it is too packed in a none spacious facility,” said Chimere Wright, a third year elementary education student.
Florida A&M officials sent alerts warning students of this incident via the E2 campus alert system, which students think would be helpful, if they knew more information about it.
Yashika Howzell, a third year pre occupational wellness student said: “I don’t even know about the alerts or how to sign up. If students knew more about this it would make us feel safe and have a less likely chance of someone getting hurt.”
Police officials are currently following all leads and the case is still under investigation.