As media attention intensifies over the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, students are refusing to keep quite and sparking a number of initiatives so the community’s voice will be heard.
“Whatcha know about Trayvon” will be held on The Set at 10:30 am. Students from Florida A&M, Florida State and Tallahassee Community College will be present as well as local community leaders Commissioners Bill Proctor, Andrew Gillum and Sen. Al Lawson.
Student leaders Candy Churchill, Kendra Neal, Jordan Hadley and Stanley Hardy have all started the “Students For Trayvon” initiative so that FAMU plays a major part in this case.
The student led group is planning on taking about 200 students on buses to Sanford, Fla. on Monday for the Trayvon Martin “March For Justice” that will take place at 4 p.m. at the Sanford City Hall.
“The most important thing people can do right now is stay up to date with changes in the case and keep up national and local media, not just taking information from one source but several,” said Candy Church Hill a third-year political science student from Chicago.
For students who are unable to go to Sanford for the march on Monday and would still like to be involve there will be a local rally of students from FAMU, FSU and TCC that will be at 4 p.m. It will begin at FAMU on The Set and FSU student will meet at the Wescott Building. The purpose of this rally is to demand for the arrest of George Zimmerman and justice for Martin.
Another group of students has organized a “March for Martin” that will be on April 7, people will march from Daytona Beach to Sanford to stand for equality.
“It’s an epidemic that is specific to the minority population,” said Ciara Taylor a fourth-year political science student from Vero beach, Fla. “Students must speak up and take action so that this will not happen again.”
To stay up to date on the students for Trayvon Martin check out the twitter: @students4tm, more information on the march in April, follow
@marchformartin on Twitter.