The phrase unity is defined by Merriam-Webster as a condition of harmony.
Florida A&M University encourages organizations to promote unification on
campus with the practice of unity within the community.
Social and service Greek letter organizations at FAMU have set a standard
for promoting ‘Greek Unity’; the expectations are available in the student handbook,
The Fang.
Currently, all letter organizations have been placed on an intake suspension
following a Jan. 31 assembly where President James H. Ammons made that
However, members of these organizations are still required to enhance the
academic, cultural, and social climate of the university through formalized campus
and community activities as stated in The Fang.
What is Greek unity?
According to Asia McFarland, a graduating business student and member of
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, “Greek Unity is the harmony found in uplifting common
ideas and executing missions of service that are complementary to one another.”
Unification gives organizations the ability to put away their competitive
faces and work together with the purpose of conducting service projects and
implementing the vision of their founders.
“It is very important that people see that the different members of these
organizations can work together, no matter what organization you decided to
become apart,” said Marvin Green, director of student activities, who has also served
as an advisor for the Pan-Hellenic Council.
All organizations are finding ways to improve their community, together.
“My organization and other NPHC organizations participate in joint
community service efforts monthly throughout the school year,” said Kristin Leek a
business student and member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.
FAMU has been under a microscope the past few months due to issues within
student organizations and campus wide safety forums continually reiterating the
idea of Greek unity and its presence on campus.
The emphasis of unity seemed to be lost; “I would describe it as being in its
recovery stage. At one time, I would have said unity was non existent; but with the
new members in each organization the bridge is getting rebuilt,” said Crystal Guest,
member of Sigma Gamma Rho sorority.
Leek says, “Greek Unity, like any relationship, or network, is a constant effort.
It gets better with time and a little maintenance.”