A healthy competition among aspiring student leaders turned sour as an anonymous YouTube user posted two controversial videos geared to “expose” the Florida A&M student elections.
The postings, titled “FAMU Elections EXPOSED,” went viral this past weekend and caused uproar among the university community.
The video referenced discrepancies within the race for student body president. Marvin Green, the director of student activities, said there was an overall points assessed winner in the race for president and vice president, but no official winner has been declared. Individuals on each ticket will have a chance to appeal.
“The appeals process is ongoing,” said Green. “Until that process has taken place, we don’t want to declare a winner.”
Taylor Bishop, the elected sophomore attendant, said she is very surprised by the videos and was unaware that some students had such motives.
“Honestly, it made me question the loyalty of students here on campus,” said Bishop. “Just as candidates are required to run a clean campaign, I’d expect our fellow students to follow suit.”
“FAMU Elections EXPOSED” purports to highlight a possible conspiracy surrounding the Student Government Association president and vice president positions.
The FAMU student body statutes are referenced through a descriptive analysis of voting procedures and ethics.
“I couldn’t care less,” said sophomore Jonathan Hinders. “It just seems like someone had too much time and nothing constructive to do.”
Surprisingly, both posts were clear of comments or feedback. However, more than 2,000 people tuned in with an 89 percent disapproval rating.
“I think, as FAMU students, we need to start putting more effort into improving our university,” said senior Vallery Agenor.
“This year we’ve stuck together through so much scrutiny, but now we’re reverting back to messy internal affairs.”
The unidentified user also acquired documents from Henry Kirby, the associate vice president and dean of students. The video shows a memorandum from Kirby addressed to the electoral commission concerning the SGA president and vice president tickets.
Some students say the person responsible may be an active member within the SGA.
“We, as students should not have to question the integrity of the electoral commission,” said Lauren Soles, a relative of an SGA presidential candidate. “I hope those in leadership positions are able to carry out their duties without bias.”
No candidates or SGA officials have officially commented on the issue.
In last week’s SGA elections, Larry Poynice won Mr. FAMU and Jasmine O. Yates won Miss FAMU. David Banks and Tayler Fisher are the King and Queen of Orange and Green and Jalisa Brown took the race for electoral commissioner.