So, who knew that Florida A&M had a Cinema Club once upon a time?
Yeah, I thought so.
FAMU grad Greg Anderson taught more than 20 interested young film hopefuls how to write and sell screenplays.
Oh, and Greg Anderson also wrote “Stomp the Yard” and formed “Tri-Destined Films” with another FAMU alum.
He’s been in Hollywood. He’s conquered Hollywood. And he came back to talk to students about the opportunities in film.
One revelation was that while here, he was part of the university’s Cinema Club, a group of students who shared film aspirations. Guess what? He and his fellow students made Tri-Destined happen out of sheer will and imagination. And they did it together.
Kelsey Scott, another FAMU graduate, worked with Rob Hardy, who formed Rainforest Films.
My point is pretty simple here. As a storyteller myself, I know film isn’t a one-man show, not like literary writing. You have to collaborate to do film.
So why not start here on (and because I might never use this phrase again) “the highest of seven hills?”
Seriously, if you write, find someone else who does. Let’s do this together.
And that’s my time, folks.