With the holiday season in full swing, the demand for cheap transportation is higher than ever for college students looking to save money.
There are a few websites out there that aim to help students find discounts on airfare. Additionally, there are two different bus transportation services in Tallahassee available to help take students
home for the holidays.
Studentuniverse.com is one of the websites that help students save money on plane tickets.
Before purchasing a ticket the website makes you fill out a form and answer questions to confirm that you are in fact a college student.
“Our goal is to help college students save money on plane tickets so they can go home to see their families,” said Student Universe Sales associate Douglass White. Another student discount website is called startravel.com. This website helps students save at least 30 percent on all travel fares.
There are students agents who work for the company who are available to take phone calls with questions throughout the day.
“I have to take a plane to see my family in Maryland and I am always trying to find the cheapest way to save money,” said Emily Baron, third-year psychology student.
The Greyhound is a bus service in Tallahassee that serves everyone, not just students, but there are student deals available. All you have to do is purchase a student advantage discount card for $20 and you can start saving money.
“Usually students save up to 20 percent off their bus trip and it helps them a lot during the holiday season,” said Richard Archibold, Greyhound sales associate.
Traveling home over the holidays may seem costly, but if you choose to follow one of these transportation discount sites or bus services you may find yourself saving money.