On Saturday, Florida A&M will kickoff its annual Fall Preview and Parents/Families Weekend, welcoming prospective students and families of Rattlers to become familiar with the Hill.
This year’s theme for Parents/Families Weekend is “Spotlight on You: A Place Where Family Counts.”
Throughout the weekend, parents and students will be given special tours of the campus. Attendees will also be able to take a tour of the Southeastern Regional Black Archives Research Center.
Also, attendees from the Fall Preview and Parents/Families Weekend will get a chance to interact with key officials on campus as well as different organizations.
The FAMU Connection will perform Saturday at Lee Hall and attendees will also hear from Mr. and Ms. FAMU and student government officials.
“We want the parents to get a chance to see the student environment and academic environment with a great football experience,” said Marvin Green Jr., director of student activities.
There will also be vendors, a fish fry and both a men’s and women’s basketball exhibition game. For prospective students, the Fall Preview offers a chance to meet with faculty and administrators from the different degree programs on campus.
“Fall Preview is essentially the university fall open house, giving prospective students a chance to learn about the university,” said Sheryl Cooper, director of new student orientation.
“If they are seriously interested in coming to the university and have paperwork to turn in, now would be a great time to bring transcripts and health records instead of mailing them.”
Before the game on Saturday, FAMU is hosting the alumni pre-game party at the university clubhouse. Parents are welcome to attend as special guests. President James Ammons will be giving the “Rattler Charge” before the game starts at the pre-game party.
“We want the parents to know that they obviously made the educated decision to come here and that they are being developed not only inside the classroom, but also outside the classroom,” said Green.
The weekend ends with a brunch on Sunday for the parents.
Registration for the Fall Preview begins Saturday at 9:30 a.m. and festivities will continue until 2:30 p.m. before the last home football game of the season against the North Carolina A&T Aggies.